Sexual harassment comes in many forms. Generally there are two distinct categories of sexual harassment claims – Hostile Work Environment and Quid Pro Quo.
A Hostile Work Environment occurs when sexual harassment creates an abusive work environment, regardless of whether an individual suffers an economic loss, such as demotion or termination. This type of sexual harassment could take many forms such as unwanted sexual conduct, requests for sexual favors, inappropriate touching, unwanted comments, sending or requesting sexually explicit photos or materials, etc.
Quid Pro Quo sexual harassment occurs when submission to sexual conduct is made a condition of receiving employment benefits. The harassment must occur by a person with higher authority over the employee. An example of this could be when a supervisor promises an employee a raise if they go out with him or her, or when a supervisor threatens to terminate an employee unless the employee engages in sexual conduct.
If you believe that you have been sexually harassed, contact the experienced harassment attorneys at Milon Pluas LLP for a free consultation.